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2011—007【大使文章】超越极限的卓凡-----by利博尔•塞奇卡 翻译:张舒婉

I have already written once about Zhuo Fan. I wrote about our common search for a definition of truth, its delimitation, its implementation. We discussed how truth is approached when cultures meet and overlap. We did not come to an agreement, but we were close, we understood each other. And our dialogue continues. In August of this year, I attended the opening of Zhuo Fan’s solo exhibition in Guangzhou. An academic symposium there was considering Zhuo Fan’s contribution to Chinese contemporary art. Art critics and professors, in an effort to support and even more motivate the artist, were looking for even the most minute conceptual and technical mistakes in his art. I said that I like Zhuo Fan because he fulfills my boyhood desires. With his work, he takes me back to my childhood. He gives me the freedom to explore, to measure up to the reality determined by the laws of physics, to give a breath of life to the non-living.
我曾为卓凡作过一篇序言。文中写到我们之间关于事实这一概念的对话,就如何界定事实,何处探求事实,我们展开过一番探讨。讨论涵盖了多元文化在碰撞与交融背景下对事实的差异性解读。虽然各执一词,但也相互理解,尽欢而终。但讨论并未就此结束。今年八月,我参加了在广州举行的卓凡个展开幕式。现场的学术研讨会就卓凡对中国当代艺术发展所作出的贡献加以评述。与会的艺术评论家和教授学者,秉持支持抑或是激励艺术家的初衷,试图从概念和技术层面解析作品中哪怕是纤毫的缺失。然而对我而言,我欣赏卓凡,皆因他实现了我少年时的愿望。他的作品令我重返童年时光 - 自由沉浸在对物理世界的无尽探索之中,一切没有生命的事物统统被赋予鲜活的生命气息。

Which one of us did not, as a child, desire to be able to fly, at lest for a little while? Which one of us did not, as a child, want for things that surround him to speak to him? Which one of us did not want to enter a fairytale land in which our rules are only partially valid? Zhuo Fan can do this. In this respect, he is a bit of an artist-magician, artist-experimentator, tirelessly testing the limits. I do not know all his teachers, but despite the gaping chasm of centuries, I intuitively feel his connection with Leonardo da Vinci, constructor of many different machines and instruments and architect. Zhuo Fan is also playing around with his artistic ambitions. The world of his fantasies seems to be without any boundaries.

Zhuo Fan uproots things, turns them upside down, breathes life into them and then shows them to an unbelieving public. He disrupts stereotypes, laughs at human pettiness and narrow-minded certainty. He does all of this without any pretensions, almost as a matter of fact, as if there was nothing more natural than an excavator not digging up soil, not knocking down buildings but instead, writing. From destruction to construction. Zhuo Fan, let’s be honest – with the help of his brother zhuoli, taught the excavator to write Chinese calligraphy! The hidden line is the perfection of the human mechanical function transferred to machines and then transformed back into the world of men. The mirror offers a mirror image that does reflect the reality fully, but only its main outlines. The result is spellbinding. The threshold of the possible is moved. The dynamics of his invention constantly propels Zhuo Fan ahead. The exciting question sneaks: which summit will be scaled next, which logical assumption of today will be put into doubt, which further dramatic confrontation of reality with the imagination of Zhuo Fan will we be able to experience and how many beautiful new sensations will arise from this imaginary battle? My immodest wish is that the answer is “as many as possible”.

In Beijing, 13 November 2011                                                                   