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2010—006【大使文章】写在“食言者”之前-----by利博尔•塞奇卡 翻译:张舒婉

It was not easy to persuade him about my truth, when he had his own. He was smiling, blissfully and graciously. We held a long discussion and tried to clarify for each other what truth is and is not, where one can look for it and where it is certainly not to be found. In the end, we reconciled ourselves with the fact that both of us were, at least from a certain angle, getting close to it. For the Chinese in general, truth is that which is pleasant, which pleases or at least does not disappoint. As a result, they lack that anxiety of omnipresent tension which we, people raised in the culture of the West, experience when we try to be truthful.  We  try to avoid crossing even by an inch, the imaginary line of truth and lie, based on a rational understanding of the reality. Truth in this sense can be cruel, and hurtful, but is definitely not the Chinese truth. Chinese friends and partners wrap you into their truth like into a silk shawl so that you would be comfortable and it is through this shawl that you then perceive the silky world around you. This, however, does not at all mean that they would not stand behind their principles and opinions. They just want to be polite. This was one of my first discussions with Zhou Fan as we tried to wade through the thick undergrowth of our cultural differences. It did not hurt. Instead, we rather enjoyed ourselves.

Zhou Fan calls himself an experimental artist. To tell the truth, until the moment I met him, I had no idea what this title could mean. Zhou Fan experiments, provokes. Playing around with the laws of physics, he goes all the way to the edge of the possible. He laughs at stereotypes and demolishes centuries-old conceptions. However, he does all of this gently, as if with an approval of the higher dispensation of nature. And thus he is able to construct a car with every wheel different – small, big, medium and a little smaller. What an amazing spectacle! This car rides, jumps merrily up and down, it floats and it falls, it breathes heavily, but it rides. And its artistic model then reigns at the famous Beijing Autosalon. The collection of curiosities from Zhou Fan’s workshop also include: moving predators, with their heads and tails connected by a sophisticated mechanical skeleton, seated on a silver swing; a hand the size of a person with a moving forefinger; as well as other quizzical inventions which let out steam and make noises. Suddenly you feel as if you were in the home of a magician, where lifeless things come alive.

But the display is not limited to only experiments and tests. It is, at the same time, a world of unchained fantasy; fresh invention which attacks your senses. ALL of your senses, (without any exaggeration), because Zhou Fan does not forget even our taste, as he offers his “edible art”. Into dough, sugar, chocolate or cheese, he imprints an image, a form, a likeness of people and objects. And he continues to search for paradoxes, trying to solve the unsolvable. He sets up crooked mirrors and shifts the truth. Chinese language, based on characters, is both his partner and simultaneous competitor. And so he proves that “the word which cannot be eaten” can in fact be eaten with much enjoyment while the promise remains unbroken, commitment upheld. The audience is enthusiastic. The magician leaves content, already in search of new ways to merge present reality with illusion.


实验艺术家—卓凡这样介绍自己。坦率而言,在认识他之前,我并不了解这个称谓的含义。卓凡一直在实验,不断打破常规。随心所欲地运用物理法则,直抵想象空间的边界。陈规陋习和迂腐之念,谈笑间灰飞烟灭,而他自己却是举重若轻,如若天赐。他为同一辆汽车装上了四个大小不一的轮子,时跃时跳,忽飘忽落,喘息片刻,又扬长而去。这辆会呼吸的汽车,堪称北京国际汽车展上一件令人叹止的佳作。在卓凡的工作室里,这样的神奇之作还有很多:奔跑的捷豹 - 作品首尾由复杂的机械结构相连,以银色曲杆为基座;食指可以活动的悬挂手臂;以及其他制造烟雾和声响的奇巧发明。瞬间你仿佛置身于魔幻世界之中,一切没有生命的事物都变得鲜活起来。

